Friday, January 22, 2016

I love Gay People: My Thoughts on Same Gender Attraction

Same gender attraction has become such a divisive issue in the last few years. It has become a topic that people love to argue about. I have watched this go on mostly silently because it seemed like there were only two sides to pick from, and both sides seem to be running to opposite ends of the room and throwing rocks at each other. This has made me so has stirred so many strong emotions inside of me, but I don't want to throw any rocks.

I'm active LDS, and I believe that marriage between a man and a woman is the best and happiest way (in the long run) that anyone could live. But I want to say something else....and I've wanted to say this for a while. I also love gay people.

Ever since I was a young girl I have had a tender place in my heart for people who are gay. Probably because I know what it's like to have experiences that feel dark and that make you feel alone, like you're the only one who could ever understand you.

It seemed so ironic to me that the hashtag #lovewins was all over the Internet the day the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal. Instead of love, it seemed like all I saw on my Fbook feed was so much anger and hate being thrown around from both parties.

As a human family, there are such a vast variety of opinions, philosophies, and religions among us. If we are going to coexist peacefully, we need more tolerance and love among ourselves.  Tolerance doesn't mean that we believe that everybody is right, but tolerance does mean we allow people to live how they will (for or against our own opinions) and allow our hearts to be at peace with them.

My heart aches for people who suffer silently with things because they're so afraid of what others would think of them if they told. I love this website that the church created to try to create a stronger bridge between the gay community and the LDS church. As members of the human family, we need each other. Jesus taught us to love one another.

To anyone struggling silently with anything that they're afraid to share, I just want to say that I'm sending my love your way, and I hope you can find someone safe to share it with. The healing process always starts with honest conversations. #loveoneanother


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