If you take the time to learn about Jesus Christ, it may feel like it's too good to be true. You may feel like you could see that kind of power and forgiveness and mercy being applied to anyone else's life, except your own. No way was one person ever that good, no way can one person save you from all that is bad and hard about your life. No way.
I testify that the best news I have ever received in my life is that the story of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world IS true. He can make your peace flow like a river, He can help you change, He can improve your health and your relationships and your finances and He will always love you, no matter how far you think you've strayed. He's not too good to be true. He is truth. I love my Savior and I'm so grateful for this season of peace when all of the world seems to take a moment and remember Him. Merry Christmas everyone!
Kristy, thank you for this testimony that comes from your heart. I love you!